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Kidney Stones: causes and treatments

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kidney stones

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kidney stones and methods of prevention

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  • Flexible ureteroscopy and cystoscopy.
  • Laser Surgery, Endoscopy.
  • Endourology.
  • Stone management.
  • Varicocele and hydrocele surgery.
  • Urinary tract infection in both genders.
  • Prostate disease management.
  • Paediatric Urology
  • Undescended testicles
  • Circumcision
  • Bladder, prostate and Uro-oncology cancer follow up.

Dr. Mohammad Horan has completed Bachelors in Medicine & Surgery followed Masters in Urology from Damascus - Syria. Dr. Mohammad Horan has over 6 years of experience in the field of Urology in the Middle East and over 10 years in medical field experience. He has practiced as a Specialist, Urologist in several prominent hospitals & centres in the UAE & Syria.

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muhammed horan
Dr. Horan points out that the kidneys are usually vulnerable to the following diseases:
  • Kidney failure..
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Hydronephrosis (obstructive or congenital cause present at birth).
  • Kidney cysts
  • Kidney cancer.
  • Other diseases are less common.
  • Symptoms associated with kidney disease are often unnoticed in the early stages, until they become severe.

The kidneys perform many functions necessary for the health of the body, and every human body has two kidneys, each of which is located next to the spine, down from the diaphragm, and back in the abdominal cavity.

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Even without growing a moustache, one can always support the cause of raising awareness for cancer, Dr Mohamed Horan, specialist urology at NMC Royal Hospital, Sharjah, told Gulf News. “

Dr Horan said: “Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer starts in the prostate, it is called prostate cancer.
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Dr.Mohamed Horan

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Urinary tract infection

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Dr.. Muhammad Houran pm 22:35 May 22, 2022

A UTI is an infection of any part of your urinary system: the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections involve the lower part of the urinary tract (bladder and urethra);

Methods of infection:

Ascending path: It results from the escalation of infection from the perineum, vagina, and etc...

Who are the patients at increased risk of developing a urinary tract infection?
  1. Females, especially pregnant women
  2. Age of sexual activity

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Dr.. Muhammad Houran Mar 10, 2023
Muhammad Houran, a urologist, also pointed out the need for a person to be careful to perform periodic examinations to ensure the health of the kidneys, such as kidney function tests, urinalysis, and x-rays of the kidneys and urinary tract. He added: “If a person suffers from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and others, which directly affect kidney health, these diseases must be fully controlled and a commitment to taking medications to always maintain blood pressure and sugar so that they are at normal levels.”

The kidneys perform many functions necessary for the health of the body, and every human body has two kidneys, each of which is located next to the spine, down from the diaphragm, and back in the abdominal cavity.

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Dr.Muhammad Houran Dec, 7, 2022 12:30PM

I was honored to conduct a health talk about #prostatecancer organized by NMC Royal Hospital Sharjah at Fidelity United company in the grate building of The Opus By Omniyat designed by Zaha Hadid Architects .

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Dr.Muhammad Houran March, 11, 2023 2:22PM

Nice city and lovely training in Milano, Italy. We enjoyed interesting lectures and practical training in Milan, Italy, at the annual conference of the European Urology Society.

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